Data Career Paths

Over the past decade, opportunities to work with data have grown enormously. Not just limited to science, technology and business analytics, there are now a wide range of careers in data that span sectors. Despite the breadth and depth of jobs, minoritized groups are excluded from these opportunities.  

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Data Conscience

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We're often asked to share resources for the non-data professional. While we believe everyone is a data person, we understand that some are overwhelmed by all the data skills, tools, and platforms available to manage information and reveal actionable data insights. So if you're new to the data industry or you're looking for a quick overview, then keep reading. Here are our go-to sites that have on-demand webinars and courses. Some are free, some require payment.

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Data Skills Survey

The scale and impact of data-driven practices using automation technologies have caused a surge of high-demand, high-salary data roles needing specific data skills in every sector. Yet, the access to developing these skills in our society remains elusive to many communities, especially Black women. Working with data is fast becoming an essential skill. In our efforts to close the gap for Black women in this industry, DataedX Group designed this survey to capture data-related experiences in the workplace. The goal however is to empower job seekers, career changers, along with new and seasoned data workers alike with information about the most sought after skills and tools in the increasingly lucrative job market. We shed light related to WHO is doing WHAT with DATA in the workplace by identity background, education and opportunity and job titles and responsibilities. Download our survey report and check out the findings. 

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